Provincial News

The “Three Amigos” Ride into Town!

The Provincial Team visited King Alfred Lodge in Weston Super Mare. Led by the 3 Assistant Provincial Grand Masters of Somerset, they carried out a Double Raising Ceremony, witnessed by nearly 90 Brethren.

One of the Provincial Grand Stewards completed the Provincial Grand Masters Working Tools Challenge on the evening. To find out you can complete the challenge go to:

Tony Guthrie presented two of the newer brethren with their Grand Lodge Certificates.

The lodge is thriving with many candidates in the pipeline to join and light blues adorning the various offices. Of note the Membership Officer took on the role as a Fellow Craft and has spearheaded this role, helping to making the lodge a happy vibrant place.

The Festive Board atmosphere was second to none, around £800 was raised for the local Weston Hospice. The Lodges raises for just one charity at each meeting, they then organise a tour to understand how their money is being applied to help the extensive work of the local good causes. This exemplifies their engagement and appearance in their local community.

If you would like the Provincial Team to carry out a ceremony at your lodge, contact the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies for more information.

Article submitted by Craig Harding PrGStwd

This article is in addition to the article Ground Breaking Double at King Alfred.

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