RPL Past Masters dust off their books and Raise Wayne Brown
It was a cold and dark night in Burnham, as the Christmas Lights had come down, and the street lighting is not what it once was! However, that did not deter the intrepid Past Masters of the Rural Philanthropic Lodge, led very ably by Andy Hodge, in the first event of 2025.
Wayne was known to a great many of the Burnham Masons, as he attended many social events, organised by his good friend and Proposer Nick Reed who is also a great friend of Waynes seconder, Andy Hodge. So when the annual Past Masters time came, it was Andy’s delight to be able to Raise his friend, Wayne.
The meeting was opened by the incumbent Master Mike David, who then enjoyed passing the Gavel over to Andy. With the so called “Dream Team” taking their places – John Chinn as SW, Graham Puddy JW, Paul Jarvis SD, Matt Jarvis, JD, Julian Frost as IG, Peter Greenway as Tyler and Ian Evans as IPM – the room was in for a real treat!
A treat it was! Wayne was an excellent candidate, answering the questions word perfectly (everyone knew who the coaches were!) and Andy being Master in his friendly and gentle way (The “Hodgey” workings are always a delight to witness) The IPM delivering prompts when needed (difficult, as it has been said he has the concentration span of a Goldfish). In fact, Wayne went on to say he really wished he had joined sooner as he is really enjoying himself and has already asked to join the Royal Arch Chapter when he can.
Everyone had a great night, Graham Roper and Trevor Cooper need a special mention – Graham delivering the Exhortation (with only a weeks notice due illness of the nominated PM), as well as the 15FCs immediately after and Trevor delivering the Traditional History in his superb style.
With over 40 in attendance (would have been more but illness took away several members and guests) it really was a great evening!
The next meeting of 291 is the 232nd festival of installation, when Malcolm Price is taking the Chair for the first time. If you are interested in attending please contact the Lodge Secretary Ian Evans at rplsec@gmail.com