SPGS Lodge Install Nick Male as new Master
Somerset Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge recently held their Installation meeting to witness Darren Herbert Install Nick Male as the New Master.
Due to sickness and other issues, which caused a great many apologies, the members of Stewards Lodge showed why they were made Stewards in the first place, as a great many offices were manned by last minute “stand ins”, who carried out their roles exemplary! Including Matt Wesley deliver the address to the Brethren with only 10 minutes notice!
Darren has had a great year as Master, including a wonderful Ladies Weekend in Barnstaple; he Installed Nick with his usual good humour and blend of Bristol, Emulation and unique workings!

Garry Hawkes PrSGW was the presiding officer, representing Ray Guthrie the PGM, with Garry Sharp the PrGDC acting as his DC.
Nick then went on to Install his Officers for the ensuing year in fine style. followed by a lovely meal with their wives and partners, as is the tradition of the SPGSL.

Somerset Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge is open to all who are or have been Stewards in the Craft, Chapter or Mark Degrees, if you would like to know more please contact their Membership Officer Ian Evans – ievans1366@gmail.com