Lodge NewsNews

Lodge Uno Corde Celebrates

The Brethren were delighted to extend their warmest congratulations to the Worship Master, James Adams, on his installation at Lodge Uno Corde.

With the greatest pleasure, they commended Worship Master James on his Installation and significantly, he is the third generation of the Adams family to take the Masters chair.

James carries forward a cherished legacy and his dedication to the principles and values of Freemasonry, coupled with his commitment to the lodge, has prepared him well for this esteemed position. In addition to being 1 of 4 of the Adams family to be a member of Lodge Uno Corde. 

The Brethren expressed their sincere appreciation to Immediate Past Master Jeremy Bennet for his exceptional leadership and successful year. Jeremy’s unwavering dedication and guidance have contributed significantly to the growth and prosperity of the lodge. His accomplishments during his term as Worship Master deserve the utmost admiration and respect.

The installation of Worship Master James and the commendation of Jeremy Bennet were celebrated in style with a festive board. This convivial gathering brought brethren, distinguished guests, and their partners together to honour the achievements of both James and Jeremy. Notably, the presence of the ladies during the meal added a special touch to the festivities, fostering a sense of inclusivity and unity among all attendees.

The festive board provided the perfect opportunity to celebrate the birthday of one of the ladies. This thoughtful gesture allowed them to express their appreciation, and by commemorating their special day alongside this significant event, they were able to demonstrate their gratitude and recognise her invaluable support, with a chocolate cake. 

They also expressed thanks to Keith Baker and Gary Sharp, from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset, for their attendance.

It is through such meaningful gatherings that they aim to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and create lasting memories within the masonic community.

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