David Preece – Brave the Shave
David who is the current Master of Sylvanus lodge and one of the more colourful characters in masonry is this year in need of a haircut, and has decided to raise funds for the MacMillan Cancer Care Support charity. Three years ago he raised a substantial sum for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance – known as the “Big Green Copter”, where they fly sick and injured children & babies to specialist hospitals in London and are able to perform minor operations in flight.

This year David is raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Care, as it is more closer to home due to members of his family suffering from this dreadful illness, his former wife being one, who had cancer and her mother and grandmother dying from the disease.
On Thursday 24th August at 12 noon, at the Fountain Inn Bridgwater, Davids silver Locks will be gone, so if you wish to witness this please pop along.
David has a target to raise over £2,000 and would be very grateful for any support received. If you would like more information please contact David directly here or click here to donate and find out more about Brave the Shave, or as David calls it Bold 2B Bald. (Although the beard is staying this time)