What do masonic bikers do when they can’t perform a ceremony? They ride!!
WBro ‘Gunny’ O’Meara, Almoner of Wyvern Chapter, designed a route and put the word out amongst the brethren of Mayflower Lodge as well as the Provinces of Somerset and Devon.

The day of the ride came along, and everyone met up at Morrisons carpark, Cribbs Causeway, and set off on the first leg of the trip, across the bridge into South Wales to meet a few other brethren and then up into the valleys.
The weather was tremendous, having been threatened with rain for most of the week, it stayed away and the sweeping roads and switchbacks through the Brecon’s made for an excellent morning’s ride.
Everyone stopped for lunch at a small cafe where, it turned out that, the proprietor was also a biker. Riff said, “I must admit, the look on the poor girl’s face behind the counter when we started coming into the cafe looking for food. I think we must have trebled their takings for the day”. The food was great and the staff there were really nice and friendly but the afternoon was ticking away and so it was time to get back into the saddles and head back into the valley, this time, heading for the Devil’s Staircase. The switchbacks make this route a great ride, and highly recommend to anyone looking for some of the greatest scenery ever seen in the UK.
So, after approximately 175 miles in the saddle the brethren of Wyvern Chapter bade farewell to our visitors and headed back to our respective Provinces. The ride drew brethren from far and wide, not only Somerset but also Devon, Hampshire, Bristol, Gloucestershire and South Wales and I’d like to make special mention of the hard work put in by WBro O’Meara on arranging such a fantastic day out.