Provincial Meeting Thursday 3rd April 2025 – Outline of the day.
For the first time the annual meetings of Somerset Provincial Grand Lodge and Somerset Provincial Grand Chapter will take place on the same day at the Webbington Hotel, Loxton, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2HU.
This page on our website will allow you access all the information you will need to book your place at Provincial Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge.
▪️ The summons for Provincial Grand Chapter – Expected 3 March
▪️ The summons for Provincial Grand Lodge – Expected 3 March
▪️ Booking form for dining – Expected 15 January
There are several reasons reasons for having both meetings. There is obviously a financial advantage in hiring the Webbington Hotel for one day rather than two days. I am also hoping that having both meetings on the same day will encourage more Companions to attend the Royal Arch meeting, particularly those Companions who would normally attend Provincial Grand Lodge but perhaps not Provincial Grand Chapter. Having both meetings on the same day reinforces the message of One Journey – One Organisation, the Craft and the Royal Arch are stronger together.
The day will obviously present some logistical challenges. The timely conclusion of both meetings, the prompt vacating of the room by Companions after Provincial Grand Chapter to allow the set up of Provincial Grand Lodge and likewise the speedy clearing of Provincial Grand Lodge to allow the room to be readied for dining.
On that subject, dining will be limited to 450 Brethren and Companions so please book your place early! Many of you will know that parking can be somewhat problematic at the venue, could I urge you to combine with others to try to travel in a full car if possible.
W.Bro Richard Dredge is leading the team organising the event. He together with the Provincial Secretary, Mike Greedy and Provincial Scribe Ezra, Charlie Barker, along with others have already put in a considerable amount of effort into the planning of the joint function. But they are going to need help on the day, if you would like to be involved please contact Richard.
▪️ 10.00am – The day will commence with the opening of Provincial Grand Chapter by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent. Companions to be seated by 9.45am. The meeting will conclude by 11.15am.
▪️ 11.15am – Coffee will be available in reception.
▪️ 12.00pm – The Craft meeting will be opened by the Provincial Grand Master at noon, and should conclude at approximately 1.15pm
▪️ 2.15pm – Lunch for Brethren, Companions and our distinguished guests from other Provinces
▪️ 4.00pm – The day will conclude
Brethren and Companions, I’m sure that with your help and cooperation we can make the joint meeting a great success, particularly for those who are receiving their first Provincial Collar or Promotion in Provincial Grand Chapter or Provincial Grand Lodge.
Yours sincerely and fraternally
Ray Guthrie
Provincial Grand Master – Provincial Grand Superintendent
Annual Provincial Meeting 2025
Somerset’s Provincial Annual Meeting, 2024.
Thursday 4th April 2024, at the Webbington Hotel near Axbridge, Somerset, some 600 Freemasons from Somerset, including representation from every…
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