Lodge News

Yatton Lodge of Hospitality Installation Ceremony

“11 chairs and counting!”

The afternoon and evening of the 31st of January saw members of the Yatton Lodge of Hospitality, accompanied by many visitors, journey to Nailsea Masonic Hall to witness W.Bro John Vowles install Bro Dennis Somerton into the Master’s Chair.

The ceremony was well supported by the members of the lodge with all offices filled. The installing master W.Bro John Vowles, having been in the chair some 11 times, performed the ceremony in his usual accomplished style, and, according to ancient custom, W.Bro Dennis Somerton was successfully installed into the Master’s Chair. After being proclaimed by the Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro John Morgan, the new Worshipful Master installed his officers very ably in the presence of the visiting PAGDC W.Bro Keith Baker, who then went on to deliver the address to the newly installed Master. The brethren then joined the Worshipful Master for an excellent festive board prepared by the team at Nailsea Masonic Hall. And thanks to the ‘gentle’ reminders from the Charity Steward Bro James Hacking, and the Almoner Bro Cameron Wills, and the generosity of the members who donated gifts, a very successful raffle was held raising a very credible £145.00 for the Worshipful Master’s nominated charity.

Left to Right: W.Bro Andy Broad PrDepGDC, Bro Jake Ronaldson SW, W.Bro Dennis Somerton WM, Bro Charlie Stokes JW, W.Bro Keith Baker PAGDC, W.Bro John Morgan DC
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