4947Lodge News

A New Year and a New Candidate for Tennyson Lodge

January saw a return to the masonic calendar for Tennyson Lodge kicking things off by Initiating Bro. Stephen Krajnik into the Lodge. WM, W.Bro Steve Blewitt stood aside for this evening to allow Past Master of the lodge W.Bro Tim Reynolds to preside over the initiation of his friend Bro. Stephen.

The ceremony was conducted in fine Tennyson form both upstairs and after at the festive board. We wish Bro. Krajnik the very best as he starts his masonic career here in Tennyson Lodge.

Pictures show our newly made Bro. With W.Bro Steve Blewitt (L) and W.Bro Tim Reynolds (R), His proposer and seconder W.Bro Tony Bryant and Bro. Steve Rees-Williams

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