Tynte help Fin with his bionic hand and arm.
Paul Binding & Tony Saunter had the great pleasure today of presenting a cheque for £1,000 to the family of Fin Jarvis, for the ongoing maintenance of his new bionic hand and arm.
Lisa and Ben Jarvis, Fin’s parents were overwhelmed by the generosity shown by Tynte Lodge and Somerset Freemasons when accepting this donation, which will secure ongoing maintenance costs for Fin’s bionic hand and arm.
Fin, who is now 11years old, was born without a hand due to the trauma caused to his mum Lisa after she was involved in a serious car incident before his birth. This disability however has not stopped this courageous young man from reaching his full potential. It has just at times taken longer and required more determination. However, last year, Open Bionics (who make and build bionic arms for children) accepted Fin onto the Big Hero 3 campaign along with two other children.

Each of these marvels of science cost £20,000 which was raised by hard work and commitment by family friends and various organisations.
The cost of maintenance, repair and ongoing modifications, however, will be up to the family, hopefully our small donation will go some way to support Fin’s future progress and ongoing development.
les Pickersgill – Tynte LCO