Brave Royal Ark Mariners, travel through 1mm of Snow to get Nailsea.
At their recent meeting the Ark Mariners of Nailsea met to elevate Justin Ellison to this lovely Degree. David Maddern led the ceremony well with his officers, of which there were a few stand ins (one with only 4 hours notice) due to Illness and other issues.
With Phil Voisey PGM of the Mark Degree there, as well as John Morgan Past PGM and two past Deputy PGMs everyone had to be on “top form”, which they certainly were. Justin was an excellent candidate and said he really enjoyed the ceremony.
Members of the Irwin Lodge of RAM, also risked the snow to travel from Keynsham to present the Travelling Ark, which will then be taken to Thackery Lodge on the 3rd February.
With a lovey festive Board to follow and good company an excellent night was had by all!