
Darragh Could Not Stop The Smoking Guns

Sunday The 8th of December The Masonic Shooting Club held our annual Christmas Shoot at The Mendip Shooting Ground. We held off the Christmas competition as the weather was a bit windy, many of our members were not wanting to attend due to the weather.

The hard core brethren shooters amongst us still attended in good numbers and a fun shoot was had by all especially on the bolting rat stand, club membership manager Josh Fiddler had fun exercising lead in style on this stand.

We then convened to the club house where we had hot chocolate and mince pies and the joviality started with lots of fun ribbing amongst the boys. Chairman Rob Collins then presented a framed signed certificate to Vernon Hill the shooting ground owner in honour of his father, W.Bro Arthur Hill.

Arthur who originally started off the shooting for brethren here in Somerset. Arthur alas got his final PW to the grand lodge above several years ago so the club died with him. This signed certificate was in his honour and Arthur’s is accredited with the founder number 001, the framed certificate is now hanging pride of place above the reception for all to see.

Now we’re back up and running and in full swing with a swanky new website, plus shooting club app with The Mendip Shooting Ground as our home ground.

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