C5221Royal Arch Chapter NewsTaunton Masonic Centre

Taunton Deane Chapter’s December Convocation

Taunton Deane Chapter No 5221 welcomed Excellent Companion Graham Puddy – Second Provincial Grand Principle to their December Convocation. The MEZ James Holiday proffered his sceptre to Graham but it was returned with Graham saying that James had a lot of work to do later in the evening.

Brother Nicholas Judd was then Exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason; the MEZ was assisted by Peter Ashby who delivered the first part of the Mystical Lecture in traditional form. Then Graham presented the Provincial Membership Challenge and explained how Chapters could improve in recruiting and retaining membership. Graham was then asked to present a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to Companion Peter Prior-Sankey, including the customary special carrying case/envelope!

The Companions retired to the dining room and enjoyed a supper of egg mayonnaise, followed by sausages and faggots supplied by Pynes of Somerset – provided by Mandy and team in the absence of Karen, who is recovering from illness.

At the end of the supper Gary Judd proposed the toast to his son Nick and Nick then responded accordingly.

Report by: Don Heys – Scribe E Taunton Deane Chapter.

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