Other Orders News

Millennium Chapter Rose Croix celebrate 25 years

At their recent meeting on Saturday 2 November, The Millennium Chapter of Rose Croix met in Weston super Mare to hold a very special meeting. Not only was it the Installation of Steve Merryweather as their new MWS, they also welcomed the current Inspector General Clive Lambert as well as Paul Kelvin-Smith the IG for South Wales & Monmouthshire and Alan Vaughan Past PGM Bristol as well as Allan Rosengren, current IG of Camp of Baldwyn Chapter in Bristol.

Paul Kelvin-Smith, Alan Rosengren, Steve Merryweather, Allan Vaughan & Clive Lambert

As the name suggests the Chapter was formed in 2000 for those Brethren who have been through the Chair or are currently ruling Sovereigns. As this was the closest meeting to their 25th Anniversary the celebration took place, with Steve Merryweather (also a founder member) reading excerpts from the Book written about the Chapter and why it was formed. Then a very interesting presentation from Alan Vaughan regarding the formation of the Camp and how the ritual has remained unchanged for over 250 years!

Clive Lambert also told the Chapter why he was stepping down as Inspector General for health reasons, to which everyone wished him well and thanked him for his brief but excellent service to the Order and to the Millennium Chapter in Particular as he installed Steve in superb style! 

The meal after was up to its usual standards at Weston with everyone having a wonderful day and looking forward to the half-century celebrations!

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