Somerset Royal Arch chosen Charity – “Young Somerset”
On Tuesday 15 th October, three not-so-young Masons visited this year’s Provincial charity
“Young Somerset” in Taunton. We were there to see the fruits of the first donation to this
year’s Provincial charity, Young Somerset. Click here to go to their website Young Somerset
Young Somerset actively work with children of all ages and their families and are the primary
youth work charity in Somerset. They deliver a range of services supporting young peoples’
personal, social, economic and educational development. Amongst other things, they deliver
targeted youth groups under their “Umbrella” service, support young people through a work
placement programme, provide youth workers in health settings, offer 1 : 1 educational
support, and they use outdoor learning to support their work.

On the day, Geoff Lester, Graham Puddy and I were made most welcome by Alex and Siobhan
at their Taunton shop, in Riverside Place, called “Bold and Brave” which opened in 2021. This
is a shop that enables young people to design, make and sell their own quality products. I was
particularly struck by the artwork on display that day which is seriously good. It is also a
community hub for young people 14 > 25 to meet, to host workshops and offers opportunities
to enter the world of work or return to education.
Some numbers. Between 2021 > 2023:
26 young people were supported to obtain paid employment
37 young entrepreneurs sell through the Bold and Brave shop
70% increase in school attendance by supported young people
55% reduction in readmissions to hospital for young people for self-injury or suicide
We had a tour of their office and shop: what goes around comes around – in the late 90’s, I
was a Finance Manager in the County Council’s Education Department and a team called
Somerset Rural Youth Project were in my orbit. SRYP morphed into Young Somerset in 2018
and now cover all of Somerset, not just the county’s rural areas. It was good to meet some
former colleagues !
After the tour of the shop, we decamped to Taunton Library. Why? Because one of their work
experience locations is the café there. Busy café, great staff, great coffee.
Alex Walker, YS Service Manager, said “ We are incredibly thankful for the support and
donation from the local Masons. This funding has been distributed across the organisation to
provide resources for young people to help them improve their confidence, reduce social
isolation and to help them learn new skills. With your funding, we will be able to provide the
communities we serve with new opportunities so they are able to form lasting friendships with
their peers, who can help each other to make informed decisions for change in the future”.
You can see that Young Somerset is a valuable resource to the community, deserving of our
support. And if you have a quiet Convocation, Alex is very happy to travel and offer you a talk
1 = Geoff Lester presenting our plaque to Alex Walker, the YS service Manger, accompanied
by Grahm Puddy and Siobhan Gallagher.
2 = The YS team, plus masonic interlopers, at the Taunton Library café.
Article submitted by Charlie Barker