Lodge News

The Future Looks Bright at RPL 291

Rural Philanthropic Lodge are one of the only (if not the only) that hold an annual Lodge of Instruction demonstration, followed by lunch, where the incoming officers for the next year, move up one place to their respective positions for the forthcoming year. This gives them a chance to practice a First Degree Ceremony in the office they will be taking, in a more relaxed atmosphere, which has worked for many years, and one of the reasons the Lodge is known for its ritual.

On Sunday 20th October, with over 25 members and guests attending it was an excellent ceremony with Malcolm Price taking to the Chair (Obligation delivered with very few prompts) with his Wardens Ian Chedzey and Lyndon Baker in fine fashion. The Working Tools were delivered by a very recently Raised Mason Ashley Price and Ian Chedzey (SW) delivered a near word perfect Charge to the stand in candidate, Simon Chanter who only recently joined the Lodge.

After the demonstration Wives, Partners and Guests are invited to join with the Brethren and enjoy a lovely 5 course Lunch, cooked by the ever hard working John Chinn. With over 50 sitting down to dine the day was an excellent one, full of laughter and fun and over £300 raised by the raffle for local good causes.

The future does indeed look bright for 291 as the standard of ritual was as good as ever and 3 more candidates waiting to join an already busy list!

If you would like to know how they organise and plan the Lodge of Instruction demonstration lunch please contact the Lodge of Instruction Secretary John Housden – john@johnhousden.com

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