Lodge News

Quantock Lodge Installation Report

The 2nd October saw the brethren of the Quantock Lodge No. 4446 in Watchet have the pleasure of installing Alan Sandwell as their Worshipful Master. Alan recently retired after running his own business for many years and is a keen and enthusiastic mason who has prepared carefully for the Chair. He was installed by Denis Griggs in an exemplary manner to the appreciation of all the brethren.

The Provincial Grand Master was represented by the Past Provincial Grand Master Stuart Hadler, who brought his usual charm and friendly manner to the proceedings, creating a very warm and happy meeting. He was escorted by Tom Nutt, who also brought his friendly and positive demeanour to our proceedings.

Quantock paid tribute to their retiring Director of Ceremonies, Dougie Towells, who has been in post for twenty-four years. As the new DC, Andrew Spiers, observed on being appointed that he had a very, very difficult act to follow, as Dougie had been ‘the consummate DC’. Alex Moran, Quantock Secretary, made a presentation on behalf of the Lodge to Dougie at the Festive Board. A presentation was also made to Roger Biss by Alex, on behalf of the Lodge, who was standing down as Charity Steward, again after many faithful years in Office. The Brethren are grateful to Dougie and Roger for all their past service.

At the Festive Board, the Master’s Song was sung by three brethren of the Lodge, particular friends of Alan, who admitted that they were not as good as the Three Tenors, and as such called themselves the Three Fivers! Alan has planned a year full of masonic and family/friends events, which Quantock brethren look forward to. In summary, a superb evening enjoyed by all present and Quantock thanks everyone who attended and made it such a special evening.

Report by: Andrew Spiers, LCO, Quantock Lodge

Photos by: Les Pickersgill – Provincial Photographer

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