
Battle of Britain Commemorative Dinner

Wraxall Lodge host a Battle of Britain commemorative dinner on Saturday the 5th October.

W.Bro Phil Lewis has organised three Battle of Britain events assisted by W.Bro Toby Hammond, whilst he as Worshipful Master of King Alfred Lodge. This year Phil  is the W.M. Of Wraxall Lodge so Phil amongst other events organised his fourth Battle of Britain fund raising event once again with Toby involved with the show and lighting side and also assisted by members of Wraxall Lodge.
Some three weeks before the event Phil was just about to have dialysis treatment, when he had a heart attack, luckily he was in Weston hospital, he was transferred to Bristol heart institute during which time he had another heart attack, he has since had four stents fitted.
We realised that Phil would not be able to run the event, therefore W.Bro Ray Beckingham stepped into the breach to run the evening for him in conjunction with Phil’s son Jason. The event was organised and the stage was set for a night to remember. The tables were named after the strategic areas such as RAF North Weald, 72 Squadron ,RAF Biggin Hill and so on. Between each dining course the lights were dimmed and the screens came alive and the hall was filled with the sounds of the Spitfire, Hurricane air raid sirens and explosions and a series of short films were played detailing the events leading up to Victory over the Skies of Britain, The evening closed with Sunset being played over the TV screens creating an atmosphere that left you reflecting on the historic events.
109 people attended the evening and the raffle raised a total of £625 for Great Western air ambulance.

On Sunday morning ten brethren attended the M.H. and removed all the decorations.
Phil was sent photos by his son and Stewart Galway, a card was passed around and everyone attending signed it, Jenny was taking it to him on Sunday afternoon.

Phil would like to thank all those who helped make the event a success and all those who attended .
We wish Phil well and look forward to seeing him back at Lodge.

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