291291Royal Arch Chapter News

It’s all happening at VofJ Chapter

At their recent meeting The Vale of Jehoshaphat Chapter were delighted to exalt Warren Beavis a member of the Rural Philanthropic Lodge, into the Chapter. Warren was an excellent candidate and he said he is looking forward to learning more about the Royal Arch and being an active member. Warren was an unsponsored candidate who joined RPL 291 18 months ago, he has already impressed them with his attitude and is already a great ritualist!

David Rayner stood in as J at the last minute and did an excellent job, considering he had never done “Somerset” workings before.

The Chapter was also delighted to receive Neil Hurcum the Deputy Superintendent, who delivered an excellent presentation on the Membership Challenge, stating that whilst VofJ was in good stead they have had a few resignations over the years and retention was the key to growth.

A lovely meal followed, of Prawn Cocktail to start and then Steak Pie, cooked by the ever hard working John Chinn. With laughter, fun, good company and a hearty revelry, a wonderful night was had by all.

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