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New Principals Crowned At Dungarvan Chapter

Dungarvan Chapter 973, meeting at Frome Masonic Hall, held their Installation Convocation on the evening of Thursday 26th September.

The Chapter was honoured by the presence of Somerset’s Past Deputy Grand Superintendent, Clive Lambert, accompanied by Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, Steve Wilson.

L-R. Clive Lambert, Terry Hulbert, Paul Dicken, Roger Hatherell and Steve Wilson
Installing Principal, Neil Beckett, with the newly Installed Dungarvan Chapter Principals

The outgoing First Principal, Neil Beckett, did an excellent job of Installing his successor, Paul Dicken, and this was continued by the incoming Second Principal, Terry Hulbert, and Third Principal, Roger Hatherell, whose polished performances ensured that those gathered there enjoyed a fine ceremony.

The new Principals are looking forward to a successful year for Dungarvan Chapter as it was confirmed to the Companions that two Candidates for Exaltation will be joining the Chapter at the Convocation being held on Thursday 30th January ’25. A new joining member was also proposed to the Companions.

The Exaltation of the two new Companions is being eagerly anticipated by Dungarvan, as it will be performed as a double ‘Savage Club Ritual’ ceremony by members of the current Provincial Team.

For those of you yet to witness the Savage Club Ritual, why not join the January Convocation at Frome and see for yourselves just how well it enhances the Exaltation Ceremony for both Candidates and members alike.

It’s likely to be very well attended, so book yourself a place at this unique event good and early by contacting Dungarvan’s Scribe E, Dave Lyons at thelyons275@btinternet.com

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