C9801Royal Arch Chapter NewsRoyal Arch Provincial News

The Sir Isaac Newton Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No. 9801 Consecration

The Consecration of the new daylight Chapter, The Sir Isaac Newton Chapter No. 9801 took place at the Nailsea Masonic Hall on the 2nd of September 2024.

There was a total of 19 Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Somerset present, headed up by our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and his two Principals. 26 Founder Members were present and a further 31 visitors including two Grand Superintendents from neighbouring Provinces, ME Comp J W Davis and ME Comp J Reid. Also in attendance was Ex Comp David Medlock, giving a total of 76 companions in all.

The Provincial Grand Chapter was opened at 10.00am by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and his two Principals. The Provincial Officers then took their position in the Chapter and The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremony announced the companions seeking to form a new Chapter had been granted a Charter by Supreme Grand Chapter. The provincial team then proceeded with the Ceremony of Consecration.

The Provincial Grand Joshua delivers the Oration
“The birth of a Chapter”
The Provincial Grand Scribe E reading the Charter granted by Supreme Grand Chapter
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and his two Principals proceed with The Ceremony of Consecration
The Provincial Grand Scribe E reading the Charter granted by Supreme Grand Chapter
The newly inducted Principals of the Sir Isaac Newton Chapter take their seats in the Chapter and then appoint the Officers of the Chapter
The Principals of Sir Isaac Newton Chapter accompanied by The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent his two Principals and the Deputy Grand Super Intendent
The Founding Members of The Sir Isaac Newton Chapter
The Provincial Team in attendance at the Consecration

Following a very enjoyable Consecration Ceremony, ably carried out by the Provincial team the Companions retired to the bar for light liquid refreshment prior to proceeding to the dining room where we enjoyed our lunch, the Toasts and formal speeches.

The Sir Isaac Newton Chapter No. 9801 has been set up as a daylight Chapter. It is hoped that this will also enable and encourage Companions who struggle to attend evening Chapters for various reasons to continue to attend and enjoy The Royal Arch.

The new members of The Sir Isaac Newton Chapter No. 9801 would like to thank the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and his team for carrying out a first-class Consecration Ceremony, it was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Anyone wishing to attend or join this Chapter, please contact the Scribe E, Simon Sparkes.

☎️ 07773 954868

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