Armed Forces Day at Vivary Park, Taunton
The Somerset Freemasons gazebo stood firm in Vivary Park despite the overnight high winds and was well attended by Brethren from across our region, including of course the Somerset Military Lodge.
Organised by W Bro Barrie Palmer, Provincial Grand Membership Officer, and with cake supplied by W Bro Duncan Sully Dunbar (kindly home made by his dear wife), the day went well. The weather was very kind, encouraging the public to attend this fantastic event and enjoy a fly-past by the hugely popular RAF Red Arrows.
The Freemason stand was visited by many of the general public and a surprise visit by members of a new Lodge (I’m told from another Galaxy), who were very keen to show off their Regalia. Although I think providing the ‘Inner guard’ and ‘Stewards’ with guns is probably a step too far for our Somerset Lodges.