Lodge Of Perpetual Friendship Support The Somerset Prostate Support Association

The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship L135, Bridgwater, recently donated a cheque for £500 to the Somerset Prostate Support Association (SPSA). David Young was pleased to present the much-needed funds on behalf of the Lodge to Peter Hopwood, Chairperson of SPSA.
As there is currently no national screening programme for prostate cancer, the SPSA’s work is invaluable in organising free discrete testing events throughout Somerset to endeavour to detect prostate cancer early and save lives. To find out more about SPSA’s great work, please visit the website: Somerset Prostate Cancer .
Somerset Freemasons are reminded that the Province is also making PSA screening testing available for Somerset Freemasons, families and friends. There are various opportunities to book a test at either Keynsham Masonic Hall or Taunton Masonic Hall and all details can be found here: Somerset Freemasonry PSA Testing.
Article submitted by: Lodge Comms Officer L135.