Royal Arch Chapter NewsRoyal Arch News

Historic visit to The Vale of Jehoshaphat Chapter.

Last evening (22 Sept 2023) 10 members of the Avalon Conclave made a Fraternal Visit to the Vale of Jehoshaphat (VofJ) Chapter 291, in Burnham on Sea, the first Fraternal Visit VofJ has received in living memory (if not the first ever).

Richard Kilburn Z, Ted Toon and Jeff Body of VofJ together with the companions from Avalon Chapter.

The visit was planned to see the delivery of the lectures by members of VofJ, as Avalon Chapter have been so busy with new companions, they did not have time to conduct them this year. A great night was had by all and it was such a success the visits will now become an annual event, with the Companions from Wedmore going to Burnham each September, the trip then being reciprocated later in the year, with the companions of VofJ visiting Wedmore.

Richard Kilburn, Z, of the Vale of Jehoshaphat Chapter said what an historic occasion it was and they were so please to have organised it. They hope that many other Chapters will follow suit and make the effort to conduct Fraternal Visits, as is done in the Craft.

The night was also marked with the use of the brand new Organ which is now in place at Burnham, ably played by David Attwater.

An unusual but sumptuous dinner followed, Smoker Salmon followed by Chicken Korma, with rice then a lovely cheese board. The evening was shared with good humour friends in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere.

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