Backwell Lodge Try To Strike The Right Note
Backwell Lodge have continued their support for Memories at the Barn, by making a £1,000 donation to the Nailsea based charity, which was generously topped up by a further £500 in Lodge Support Funding courtesy of the Somerset Masonic Charity. Memories at the Barn is aimed at providing opportunities for people living with dementia to get together, socialise and have fun and includes the Barn Owls choir, Memory Café and Artful Minds projects.
Backwell’s Worshipful Master, Steve Hughes and Charity Steward, Rob Dyer visited the charity to present a cheque for £1,500, accompanied by Graham Puddy, Provincial Grand Charity Steward who also presented them with a commemorative plaque.
The masonic delegation found the Barn Owls choir in full flow on arrival and were treated to a couple of songs whilst they were there. In fact, it wasn’t too long before they were encouraged to join in, making an enthusiastic (if not particularly tuneful) contribution to Que Sera Sera!
Steve said “It’s fantastic to be able to support this amazing charity and to see first-hand how the Barn Owls choir is helping people with dementia. It was such a lively and happy environment and we’re very pleased and proud to be able to make the donation.”
Graham added “This is a great example of a Lodge making full use of the ability to apply for Lodge Support Funding through the Somerset Masonic Charity to enhance their donation. It was a pleasure to be able to join Steve and Rob at the presentation and support the community of Nailsea on behalf of all Somerset Freemasons.”
That sentiment was summed up perfectly by charity trustee, David Francis when he commented “It’s people like you who make things like this possible”.

Pictured: Rob Dyer, Steve Hughes and Graham Puddy with members of the Barn Owls choir mid song!