C5735Royal Arch Chapter News

Old Tauntonian Chapter 5735 – Welcome home…

… to quote Peters and Lee (younger companions should speak to their parents for this musical reference).    On 11th April 2023, the Provincial Grand Chapter of Somerset was very pleased to “welcome home” The Old Tauntonian Chapter C5735. No longer visitors to Taunton, they are now permanently removed from Metropolitan Grand Chapter to Provincial Grand Chapter of Somerset, and are living in Taunton. They are the 4th Chapter in Taunton and the only school-based Chapter in the Province, with only three schools within the Public Schools Lodges’ Council having a Royal Arch Chapter. Although the removal was agreed in November 2022, it has taken a while for the Warrant to be appropriately enfaced with certification of the removal. So it was that MEGS and the Provincial team attended the Convocation to present the warrant and accept the Chapter onto the Roll of Chapters in the Province of Somerset. 

The ceremony was short but beautifully presented, led by MEGS. Provincial Grand Scribe E read aloud the enfacement for the benefit of those present and it was then handed for safe – keeping to E Comp Graham Bowerman, Chapter Scribe E.

E Comp Graham Bowerman (just out of view) E Comp Julian Frost H, E Comp Michael Button, MEGS Ray Guthrie, Comp Ian James, 1stASoj, E Comp David Noble MEZ, E Comp Neil Hurcum, 2nd Prov G Principal, E Comp Jason Raikes, J, E Comp Geoff Lester, 3rd Provincial G Principal, E comp Ted Tucker DC, (just visible), E Comp David Jenkins, Organist, E Comp David Hughes, Treasurer,.

Companions also heard a short history of the Chapter from E Comp Michael Button, from their consecration in 1952 through to today. in 1952, the cost of dining for three meetings a year was £4…!  Click here for a document containing the full history.

As ever, a convivial Festive Board followed (where Prov Scribe E went back to his roots as Prin Soj for the night!) and we look forward to Old Tauntonian being part of the Taunton Masonic scene for many years.

Charlie Barker


26th April 2023

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