Tennyson Lodge present the History of Clevedon’s Masonic Hall

On Friday 21st October, Tennyson Lodge No4947, benefitted from an excellent explanation of the 100 year History of the Masonic Centre in Clevedon. The presentation was written by John Bennet, and was extremely interesting, explaining how the hall came about to be used by the Freemasons and how it was owned by all the Masons of the several Lodges that meet there.
The Centenary celebrations will begin in 2023 moving into 2024 and all of the Lodges, including all the side orders will be taking part. Tennyson Lodge gets its name from Alfred Lord Tennyson and they have permission from his descendants to use the family crest as part of their logo.
Andy Gray also made a unique and excellent presentation of the Grand Lodge certificate to Alistair Lindsay.
Whilst a relatively small lodge, they are extremely friendly and welcoming, if you have not visited, it is well worth it, contact their secretary Andy Wade if you wish to know more at tennysonlodge4947@gmail.com