Somerset Masonic Cycle Association (SMCA) official launch

On Saturday 24th April 2021 amongst Covid Restrictions, Provincial Grand Master for Somerset Rt.W.Bro.David Medlock ably assisted by Director of Charity and Care W.Bro.David Maddern and Founders W.Bro.Stephen Collings (Chairman), W.Bro.David Megilley (Treasurer) and Bro.Mike Norton (Secretary) of The Somerset Masonic Cycle Association, Friends and Family officially launched the Association. The gathering was in line with Government Covid19 Guidelines regarding Cycling Associations issued on 29th March 2021 and the pictures reflect the Associations intended Cycling community.
Following the launch at Nailsea Masonic Hall, lunch was taken at The Butchers Arms, Yatton, Nr Bristol. The Butchers Arms had Masonic Support during their Covid support of meals during the first lockdown where they looked after the local community covering a 25-mile radius. Yatton Freemasons have been very active within their Community and the visit from the PGM and Director of Charity and Care was very well received.
Rt.W.Bro.David Medlock says “The SMCA is open to all, Masons and Non Masons alike, We are keen for the Participation of Families and inclusive of all abilities. Another vital link to those who are looking to get out amongst friends, after enduring tough times during lockdown”.
W.Bro.David Maddern says “Province of Somerset has joined a number of Provinces with a Cycle Associations, a National Cycle Association where Masonic Cyclists can enjoy each other’s Provinces would be another great initiative”.
Chairman W.Bro.Steve says “We have joined ‘Cycling UK’ as official Cycling Association and set up Facebook, WhatsApp and Strava groups. Already very keen cyclists of all abilities and ages have signed up and regularly post their rides. In addition, W.Bro.Andy Wade has created webpage for the Association
This link has already brought additional members in from USA and Brazil, who frequently post their activities, often wearing a SMCA shirt.
We aim to offer all cyclists from MTB, Trail and Road Association rides across the Province, with a planned ‘Tour de Temples’ in 2022, visiting all Somerset Temples, covering 280 miles over 4 days. A nominated charity prior to the tour will be announced later this year. The Tour will be open to all, whether a simple ride between 2 Temples, up to the full 4-day ride.
When Covid Restrictions have been lifted, we also intend to arrange short Family Rides from Temples across the Province, to compliment the long-distance rides of the committed cyclists”.
Secretary Bro.Mike Norton will be hosting first Zoom Meeting for all members of the SMCA this coming Friday 7th May, feel free to join by following the above link and discuss ways in which Your association can evolve.

Interested in joining in the cycling fun? How to join the Somerset Masonic Cycling Association