Quantock Chapter 4446
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Watchet TA23 0DA at 18:30 except September; on the Third Tuesday.
Months -February, April, June and September (18:00).

Consecrated 15th September 2012 at Minehead Meets at The Masonic Hall, Watchet. Watchet has been the home of Quantock Lodge No.4446 since its consecration in 1922. The fact that this popular Lodge with a large membership did not have a Royal Arch Chapter was often discussed, but it was not until early in the year 2005 that action was taken to bring this wish to fruition. Comp. Anthony Lovell brought together several enthusiastic Companions who approached the Grand Superintendent, E Comp D John Bennett, who gave his support to proceed further.
Saturday the 15th September 2012 proved to be a pleasant autumn day as Royal Arch Companions made their way to Minehead where Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Somerset was to be held to consecrate the new Chapter. At 10.30 am the Founding Companions and the Provincial Officers of the Consecration Team met for their one and only rehearsal. With the final preparations complete the Companions were treated to an excellent buffet lunch. By 2.30 pm the founding companions and visitors were assembled in the Chapter Room and shortly afterwards the Distinguished Guests and Grand Officers, including E Comp. Denis Calderley, Past Grand Superintendent and E Comp Stanley Hopkins Past Grand Scribe Nehemiah, entered in procession and took their places.
The Grand Superintendent, in and over, the Province of Somerset, E Comp D John Bennett, the Second Provincial Grand Principal E Comp Robert H Moore and the Third Provincial Grand Principal E Comp Richard J Ellis were escorted into the Chapter by the Officers of Provincial Grand Chapter. The Convocation was opened at 3 pm and the ceremony began with the First Principal designate, E Comp Keith J Lockyer, informing the Grand Superintendent that a Charter of Constitution to form a Chapter of Royal Arch Mason at Watchet had been granted. He then, on behalf of the petitioners, formally requested the Grand Superintendent to consecrate the Quantock Chapter and appoint and invest the Officers

To find out more about Quantock Chapter email 📧 Scribe E – Alan Clifford Dummett