Provincial Communications Officer (PCO)Role and Responsibilities


  • Appointed / reappointed annually by the Provincial Grand Master / MEGS.

Suitable Skills:

  • The appointee must be able to communicate clearly and confidently, both in person and in written correspondence, at every required level. Good literacy and interpersonal skills will greatly assist the appointee’s effectiveness. He must possess a good standard of computer skills (including Wordpress use) essential for the effective delivery of the key tasks. A sound understanding or personal experience in the role of Area Communications Officer would be advantageous. Current membership of a Royal Arch Chapter in Somerset is essential. A working knowledge of Social Media use would also be advantageous.

Liaises With:

  • The Executive Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset (PGLS).
  • The Executive Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Somerset (PGCS).
  • Members of the UGLE Communications Team. (Craft & Chapter).
  • PGLS Area Communications Officers (ACOs).
  • PGLS Membership Development Officers. (Craft & Chapter).
  • PGLS Marketing Team.
  • Members of the MCF Communications Team.
  • RCG 9 Area PCOs.
  • Members of the PGLS & PGCS IT and Website Team.
  • PGLS Social Media Officers.

Key Tasks:

  • The primary function of the PCO is to manage and ensure the effective and expedient delivery of internal and external communications (except Social Media which is currently managed separately) in line with the requirements and expectations of the PGLS and UGLE.
  • The Communications Team (viz; LCOs, CLOs, ACOs & PCO) play an essential supporting role in the successful delivery of PGLS Membership Development Team strategies. As such, the PCO often acts as the principal recipient and disseminator of communications pertinent to the requirements of the Membership Development Team, from and to any of the aforementioned liaison sources.
  • The PCO will identify and appoint Provincial ACOs, as required, in consultation with the Craft APGM and Chapter DGS having designated overview of the Communications Team on behalf of the PGM / MEGS..
  • The PCO is responsible for ensuring the provision and appropriate access to current Communications learning and development packages, in line with current UGLE and PGLS strategies.
  • The PCO is responsible for the preparation or editing and subsequent submissions of Provincial or national UGLE / MCF authorised press releases to the preferred press and media titles in Somerset, thus enabling the most effective Province-wide coverage. He must also be capable of uploading these and other articles directly onto the PGLS website.
  • The PCO is responsible for identifying and submitting suitable articles to Freemasonry Today, in line with its protocols and submissions guidelines.
  • The PCO will attend Provincial Team and Fraternal visits (Craft & Chapter) wherever possible, and encourage the ACOs to do likewise, particularly within their respective areas of responsibility.
  • To attend the annual PCO Forum held at UGLE.
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