Lodge Communications Officer (LCO) Role

To be appointed / re appointed annually by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge.
Suitable skills:
The appointee should be a confident communicator, possessing suitable literacy skills in order to competently undertake the key tasks required. A working knowledge of basic computing skills, access to email and the ability to use a word processor are essential. Working knowledge of Social Media and basic photography skills would also be advantageous.
Liaises with:
The relevant Area Communications Officer.
Communications Officers of neighbouring Lodges.
Summary Of Role:
To work effectively as a member of the Communications Team within the Province of Somerset in order to positively promote and communicate the work undertaken by their Lodge, for the information of the membership and to highlight the continuing relevance of Freemasonry to the members of their communities.
Key Tasks:

  • Inform their Lodge membership of any relevant communications information specifically sent to them for onward transmission. It would be beneficial if regular provision be made for LCOs to deliver any such information to ‘open’ Lodge as a separate Lodge Officer’s Report or during the Third Rising.
  • Prepare and submit well written and timely Lodge news articles together with suitably consented photos to the local press and, via their ACO, for inclusion on the Provincial Website, Newsletters and Social Media. A simple standardised method of reporting Lodge news has been devised in order to maximise coverage and effectiveness. It is important that all LCOs adhere to this method where possible. It is reproduced later in this guide.
  • Collaborate with fellow members of the wider Communication Team in order to identify suitable forthcoming community events in which Masons can be pro actively involved and, through which, we can promote a positive image of Freemasonry to the members of those communities.
  • Encourage the Lodge to consider ways in which it can raise its own profile within the local community and to gain recognition as such through positive publicity via the appropriate media options available. Ideally, this should include a Lodge website and
    Social Media platform use, administered by the LCO or other member of the Lodge.
  • To maintain a listening brief for any negative local publicity concerning Freemasonry and, should it arise, immediately bring it to the attention of their Area Communications Officer (ACO) for consideration and appropriate action.
  • LCOs are expected to make themselves available for any relevant training sessions that become necessary, in line with the latest strategies being implemented by Province. To facilitate attendance at these sessions, a choice of dates will be provided and will likely be held via Zoom or, where necessary, in person at a choice of Masonic Centres across the Province. A number of UGLE and Provincial Communications-related toolkits, guides and protocol documents are readily available for reference and can be found within the Communications section of this website
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