6244Lodge News

Gordano Pass Bro Paul and Pipe in the Haggis

Gordano Masonic Lodge 6244 recently held their annual Burns Supper meeting and a second degree ceremony for Bro Paul Locke. The ceremony was wonderful and lead by the WM and all the officers performed well, the DC or sergeant major as we call him kept us all on track.

A special mention should go to W.Bro Phillip Du Camp on his rendition of the tracing board, this was done with real passion and we were all transported back through the sands of time, I know Bro Paul Locke was as transfixed as we all was, another special mention must go out to W.Bro Bob Williams for his rendition of the long version tools of this degree, equally wonderful and again we all hung on his every word.

The festive board was jolly, with the pipes sounding and the Haggis entered and the address was a high spirited affair. Our next meeting is on the 24th of February and is a 3rd degree, if you would like to join us, email us at gordano.lodge@gmail.com where a hearty welcome awaits you.

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