Nick goes from Burnham to Serbia
Nick Butler a member of the Rural Philanthropic Lodge, currently lives in Serbia due to family commitments, although he hopes to return to the UK soon. Nick has now attended The “Light of Pomoravia” Lodge twice in Serbia the (Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia is recognised by UGLE.)

After all the trials and tribulations of the civil wars and the breakup of Yugoslavia, FreeMasonry seems to be starting to recover. The Lodge is only three years old, and all of the principal officers are on loan from other lodges as the lodge gets itself established.
The Brethren have been warm and welcoming and the festive board has been superb, as Rebecca West wrote, “It is impossible to eat badly in Serbia”. The Lodge is very well attended, and there has been a double passing and an initiation during my visits.
The Lodge does not own its own premises but is located very discreetly in retail premises, what was once the shop is an informal meeting room, the manager’s office, a robing room, and what was once the storeroom is now the temple.
The Lodge works Scottish Rite, in the Serbian Language, so everything is similar yet not the same and requires a lot of hard listening on my part.
The RGLS can be found at