A Very Special Meeting For Quantock Lodge

The Quantock Lodge 4446, meeting in Watchet, had a very special meeting on the 8th January, graced by the presence of not only the much-loved Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Ben Batley, but also by the Past Deputy Grand Master Sir David Wootton. Sir David is an old friend of the Quantock Master Alan Sandwell and as such attended in a private capacity, whilst Ben was on official duties. The Brethren had hoped to have Stan Berry with them that night, to whom Ben was to present a Fifty Year Certificate, but due to Stan’s age (he is in his 90s), he was unable to attend; so Ben and a number of the Brethren visited him at home earlier in the day and presented his certificate. The Quantock Brethren are grateful to Ben for his kindness.

As such, for the evening the Lodge followed ‘Plan B’ and passed Chris Nevada to the second degree, the ceremony being worked by the Master and his Officers; Chris was an excellent candidate. Both Alan and Andrew, the Lodge DC, have received some very positive comments on the ceremony from a number of the Lodge visitors. The Brethren were able to perform well due to the friendly and relaxed manner displayed by Ben and Sir David, for which they were all grateful.

The festive board continued in this happy manner, thanks to the conviviality of the evening and the efforts of Quantock’s excellent caterer. Thanks must also go to Les Pickersgill, the Provincial Photographer, for the excellent pictures. All in all, a special and happy occasion which will abide in the memories of the brethren who attended.
Report by: Andrew Spiers – Quantock Lodge Comms Officer | Photos: Les Pickersgill – Prov Photographer