CharityLodge News

Nyanza help Herne View CofE Primary School

Nyanza Lodge were warmly welcomed recently at Herne View Church of England Primary School in Ilminster when they came to present a cheque for £2760. The Lodge had very kindly donated the money to support the school’s work in developing rooms to provide sensory and communication support for pupils on both of the school sites. Members of Nyanza Lodge toured the sites and saw first hand the areas where their donation would help develop equipment that would benefit the pupils.

A spokesperson for the school commented, ‘Here at Herne View we recognise that children need support beyond classroom learning and our core provision supports more holistic learning where it is required for sensory and communication development. Children can use these areas as well as their classrooms and we have already seen positive benefits for the children’s development.’

The thankful response was also echoed by children and the families of children who have used the Core with one child commenting, ‘The core is important to me in case I get overwhelmed as I find it a good place to go and calm down’. A parent of a child followed this by agreeing, ‘The core has been a critical part of my child’s school experience. There are times where they are overwhelmed or unregulated where they need a safe environment to relax in. The core provides this space for them and being a sensory seeker, there are great options to choose from in the Core and they especially love the spinning seat!’.

L to R: Chris Morton, William Morton, Abby Coe (Deputy Head/SENCO)Clair Oaten (Headteacher), Ruth Hobbs (Deputy Chair of Governors), Johan Glaubitz, Martin Lock (Charity Steward), Ian Pamplin WM, Mike Stephenson, Dylan Edgar, Both Johan and Dylan have Children at the school

Herne View Church of England Primary School thanked the members of Nyanza Lodge for their generosity and Lodge members were offered an opportunity to come back and see how the Core rooms develop in the future.

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