Biennial Provincial Carol Service – Wells Cathedral 17th December 2024
The Biennial Provincial Carol service will be held in Wells Cathedral on Tuesday 17 December 2024 with the service commencing at 7pm. The service will consist of traditional carols and readings and the event is open to Members, family and friends and members of the local community.
Having liaised with the Cathedral we have decided to move the refreshment aspect of the evening to before the start of the Carol service and not afterwards as previously advertised. There will be an informal reception for attendees in the West Cloister between 1810hrs and 1850hrs where mulled wine and mince pies will be provided. This will be an excellent opportunity to get network with your fellow brethren prior to the commencement of the Carol service.

Please put the date in your diary as it is a marvellous event on which to start the Christmas festivities. The event will be presided over by The Provincial Grand Master who looks forward to your company and that of your family and friends.