A Busy Night At The Lodge Of Perpetual Friendship

The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship No.135, Bridgwater hosted the Quantock Lodge No.4446 during a fraternal visit to receive the travelling trowel on the 14th October. Alan Sandwell, Master of the Quantock Lodge gave an excellent handover and was supported by a goodly number of Quantock Lodge brethren. Perpetual Friendship will now hand over the travelling trowel to the Somerset Military Lodge No.10021 in November.

The lodge also initiated its newest member (the third this calendar year) during a superb ceremony where a lot of the ritual was shared amongst the brethren. The festive board and raffles prizes had a special harvest theme, with some lucky winners travelling home with full boxes of goodies, with the raffle raising £170. The next meeting will involve Perpetual Friendship undertaking a double initiation ceremony and as always, visitors are more than welcome!
Report by: LoPF – Lodge Comms Officer