
Visiting Volunteers & Almoners Workshop

On Wednesday 4th September the Bi-annual Visiting Volunteers and Almoners Workshop was held at Nailsea Masonic Hall. The evening was well attended by Almoners from both the Craft and Royal Arch Chapter. Following words of welcome and introduction from the Provincial Almoner, Adrian Robson,  the brethren received an excellent and informative presentation from Mike Martin, Provincial Engagement Manager from the Masonic Charitable Foundation, on the support thats available and to hear how the money we raise in festival is spent, Mike was also able to answer many varied questions put to him on the work of the MCF. 

Other presentations included those from our Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Ben Batley who provided the Almoners with his professional experience and information on bereavement, and the need to sign-post those who require this type of very personal support in times of grief.  The Assistant Provincial Almoner, Steve Thraxton, reminded the Almoners of the varied types of mobility equipment that is collected, stored and redistributed across the province and how to access the equipment for our widows or brethren. Ray Baines, Vice-Patron of the Somerset Masonic Widows Association (SMFA), provided information on our Friendship Association, its main ethos, the five areas within the province and how the Almoners can engage by encouraging our widows and also our more frail and elderly brethren to consider joining the association. 

Adrian closed the meeting by thanking the guest speakers and all the Lodge Almoners and Visiting Volunteers for their continued dedication to their special and unique office. 

Photos courtesy of Les Pickersgill

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