SWALLOW Charity’s Forest Group – an update from Jade Ogden
SWALLOW is delighted to report that the new Forest Group, with the support of the
Connaught Lodge and the Provincial Masonic Charitable Foundation, has been running since
April. The group started off by preparing a clearing in the woodland behind the SWALLOW
main offices. They chopped wood, cleared foliage, and dug cut-out steps to create access to
their new space. They also worked together to make a rope banister for safer access. They
created wooden benches and some coat hooks on a tree to really make themselves really feel
at home.

The Forest Group has brought together a new group of people with learning disabilities,
which is still growing. Currently there are only six members, plus the group leader. They
have been learning new skills including making a fire to heat water and to cook snacks –
something that they do every session. This involves good communication and teamworking
skills, as well as the ability to make health and safety assessments of their surroundings. They
have also been enjoying learning wood carving and made their own bows and arrows, with
varying levels of aerodynamics. They have also been practicing slack-lining where they tie
elastic to the trees and help each to walk along it, thus increasing their posture and

Members have been building their health and fitness too, and they recently went on a trip to
Ammerdown woods for a long walk. This gave them the chance to observe different types of
trees and wildlife and provide inspiration for their own woodland surroundings. The group
has multiple benefits in addition to spending time in nature. It is fantastic to be able to
provide this unique opportunity for our members.
Thank you, Connaught Lodge, and the
Masonic Charitable Foundation, for making this possible.