Terry Re-takes the Chair at Pilgrims Lodge
Terry (Tel) Hayes was recently reinstalled into the chair of Pilgrims Lodge in fine manner by Mark Caldwell, aided by a good many of the Brethren of the Lodge. Tel must enjoy the “hot seat” as this is his second time in the Chair at Pilgrim’s and he has only just handed over the reigns at Somerset Stewards Lodge!
Tel then invested his officers in his usual inimitable way, with humour and great enthusiasm, as he says regarding his style of ritual, “the words don’t necessarily come out in the right order, but they are all there!”
Pilgrims Lodge followed their tradition of “calling off” part way through to enjoy some Wine and light nibbles, before re starting the ceremony and installing the officers for the forthcoming year. The music was provided by Clive Hennessy, again with great humour, playing music to accompany each individual office.
The evening was rounded off with a lovely meal in great company and revelry, including an auction to raise money for local causes and a marathon of a raffle, so many prizes and such generosity.
The presiding Officer was Ian Evans the PrJGW assisted by Chris Hole his DC for the evening.