Lodge News

Athelstan Lodge Conduct a Raising.

At their November meeting (Friday 3rd) Athelstan Lodge Raised Christopher Carson to a Master Mason. Chris has embraced all aspects of masonry since he joined in January 2023. He has become a most valued member of the “Athelstan Family”. The ceremony was conducted very well, if you have not witnessed Taylors Workings, you really should.

At the start of the meeting a candle was lit by Nathan and Jonathon Henderson for their father, Colin Henderson who sadly passed to the Grand Lodge Above earlier in the week. Colin was a guest organist for many of the Lodges and other orders in and around the Province of Somerset and will be greatly missed by all!

With special permission from the Grand Chapter of Somerset, Justin Pursey the Lodge Secretary (also 1st Principle of King Alfred Chapter) assisted by Simon Sparkes and (the Legendary Comp) Sandy Glen presented the current Master of the Lodge Ashley Brown with his Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate. A small diversion which was enjoyed by all.

Justin with Ashley and the Supreme Chapter Certificate.

The dining afterwards was enjoyed by all and the members of Athelstan Lodge would like to thank Yula Gilbert and Alun Brown as well their team for looking after them all so well.

The next meeting of Athelstan Lodge is on Friday 1st December, which will be a Passing, followed by a family and friends meal, all welcome! If anyone is interested in attending tis or any other meeting, please contact their secretary Justin Pursey at athsec9033@gmail.com.

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