A Golden Opportunity
At the last meeting of the season at John de Clivedon Lodge meeting in Clevedon, V W Bro John Bennett was invited along to give a paper regarding the history of Clevedon Masonic Hall as it approaches its centenary year , when the Freemasons of Clevedon can be thankful for the foresight and drive of W Bros Sidney Keen and Thomas Nichols in purchasing and converting the then Public Rooms into the Masonic Hall we have today.

Not being one to miss an opportunity, VW Bro John knowing the newest member of Adair Chapter , and the Lodge Treasurer, Bro Graham Burgin had made the trip up from Seaton to be in attendance and was able to present him with his Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate in front of the Brethren in attendance. Much to the enjoyment of all present.
So to all Brother Royal Arch Representatives out there “a picture paints a thousand words” as the saying goes,and as you have heard from the Provincial Grand Master himself pledging his support to the Royal Arch, the time is ripe for you to make reports in your Lodges under the risings ,to congratulate a newly made Companion of your Lodge in completing his journey and above all else to present the newly made Master Mason with the joint letter from the PGM and Grand Superintendent.
Thank you VW Bro John for demonstrating the indissoluble link between the Craft and the Royal Arch and congratulations Bro Graham in completing your journey in pure, antient masonry.
Neil Hurcum
RA/Craft Co-ordinator
Posted by Andy Baird. PCO.